September 12, 2023
Dear Friend,
Mississippi's First Congressional District is home to scores of Veterans, and we are proud of them all. Kevin McGregor is an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran. In 1991, the Pontotoc native joined the Mississippi National Guard. He was just 19 years old. In 2005, he was deployed to Iraq. While there, Kevin was among the many who witnessed the first democratic elections. He was amazed to see the huge voter turnout; citizens showed up at the voting precincts - even as mortars were being fired in their direction. "We saw the resilience of the Iraqi people who wanted their voice to be heard," Kevin said. "They dipped their finger in ink to prove they had voted, despite the dangers."
In 2019, Kevin retired from the Mississippi National Guard after 28 years of service. "No college can teach the skills that I learned in the military," he said.
Currently, Kevin serves as the director of the Pontotoc County Agri-Center. He is the proud husband of Christy and the father of Clay, Madelyn, and Rylie. We are thankful for Kevin's commitment to God, Country, and family. His service to our great Nation will always be remembered.
Rylie, Clay, Rheanna, Christy, Kevin, Madelyn McGregor, and Luke Willard.