We are excited to introduce Freedom to Thrive — a bold, inclusive initiative through which we are amplifying the voices and stories of immigrant communities nationwide. We’re exploring the question, “What does it mean to thrive in the United States, and how can we make this a reality for us all?”
At the heart of this initiative is our vision for the country — one rooted in joy, community, and abundance. It’s a vision in which our value as human beings is not tied to or determined by our economic contribution, but rather by our shared humanity.
As part of this effort, we hosted the first of three Freedom to Thrive portrait events on August 26 in Long Beach, California. For this event, members of our immigrant community came together to have their photos taken and share their stories. Our next portrait session will be held in Tennessee this Thursday.
Here is a video from our event in Long Beach that captures the vibrancy and resilience of immigrant communities and what it means to have the Freedom to Thrive:

Everyone should have the opportunity to live in safe and healthy conditions, protected equally under the law. Every human should be able to embrace their complex histories and backgrounds, to dream, love, imagine, and achieve peace and liberation.
Everyone should have the freedom to thrive.
This is why we fight.
— National Immigration Law Center