Content warning: This email discusses suicide in relation to gun violence for National Suicide Prevention Week. If this is too much to read, we understand. Take care of yourself and skip the rest of this email.

Content warning: This email discusses suicide in relation to gun violence for National Suicide Prevention Week. If this is too much to read, we understand. Take care of yourself and skip the rest of this email. Here are some mental health resources that you may find helpful.

John — This week is National Suicide Prevention Week.

Today, we’re reflecting on the lives lost to gun suicide. No one gets spared from the impact of gun violence, but the topic of suicide and access to guns often gets overlooked in the public debate.

Last year, gun suicides reached an all-time high. The CDC reported 26,993 gun suicides in 2022, which has only grown since 2006. In 2021, over half of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. resulted from suicide.

A graphic photo of a chart showing gun suicides totals increasing from 2006 to 2022

The fact is simply having a firearm in the house dramatically increases the risk of suicide, and increases the deadliness of suicide attempts.

At March For Our Lives, we believe that expanding access to mental health treatment goes hand in hand with reducing access to firearms. We’re also advocating across the country for lifesaving gun safety measures such as extreme risk protection orders, investing in community violence intervention programs, and countering misinformation about mental health and gun violence with evidence-based solutions.

Mental health treatment must be centered in our movement if we are going to end gun violence. Take a look at our mental health resources page, share it widely to help someone in need, and get involved in our movement to end gun violence →

Get involved

By sticking together, we can help and support those experiencing a mental health emergency and save lives.

Thanks for supporting us in our fight to live in a country that values every life.

In solidarity,

March For Our Lives


Contributions will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions or gifts to March For Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. Update your donation information here.
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