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Become an Animal Impact Maker
Hidden behind the walls of animal agriculture facilities is shocking abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Farmed animals suffer in cramped and filthy conditions, denied even the most basic social interactions and mental stimulation. They’re routinely abused and don’t receive even the most basic veterinary care. They’re treated this way simply to make money for giant corporations. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can be a part of the plan to end this cycle of abuse.

By becoming Animal Impact Maker, you’ll not only be standing united with undercover investigators as they expose the horrors farmed animals endure, you’ll also be holding animal abusers accountable. You have the power to make real change for animals by not eating them and by joining an important group of animal advocates by becoming an Animal Impact Maker today.
Click here to expose the lies and hold abusers accountable
The work of brave undercover investigators has achieved massive wins for animals beyond exposing the truth of their time inside animal agriculture facilities. Thanks to generous supporters, Animal Outlook's undercover investigations have resulted in cruelty charges against the owners of farms, civil suits that forced the closure of facilities, and major public pressure on companies like Tyson, and most importantly, to drive a cultural revolution empowering more and more people to choose vegan eating to stand up against this corporate cruelty.

It’s hard to put into words just how much your support will mean to undercover investigators. Not only are they risking their physical and mental wellbeing by doing this work, they also take on legal risks.

One investigator named Taylor went undercover at Quanah Cattle Co., a company in Colorado that purchased newborn calves and confined them before shipping them out to be raised for meat. She captured widespread abuse of these calves and, as a result of this investigation, three employees pleaded guilty to criminal cruelty to animals.

Left: A confined calf at Quanah Cattle Company
Right: Calves are carelessly thrown into transport trucks, often forced to land on top of one another
In a shocking twist, Taylor herself was cited for misdemeanor animal cruelty for not reporting the abuse she documented in a “timely manner.” This charge was later dropped because it was always baseless, but served as a stark reminder of the dangers undercover investigators face, as they expose secrets that the powerful animal agriculture industry does not want the public to know.

When you join Animal Impact Makers today, your gift will go twice as far. A generous supporter of our undercover investigators has offered to match all AIM gifts in September, dollar for dollar. That means your first monthly gift will be doubled if you act now. Can we count on your support?
Double My Impact
Want to do more to advocate for farmed animals? Commit to them by refusing to support the animal agriculture industry and not purchasing products of cruelty. For more information on living a cruelty free life and to download our vegan starter guide, please visit

Thank you for joining the community of Animal Impact Makers.

With gratitude,
Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. All new Animal Impact Makers this month will have the chance to win a copy of We Animals Media’s award-winning book HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene. This unflinching book of photography documents our relationship with non-human animals in the 21st century, as depicted through the lens of 40 award-winning photojournalists.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
Donate Now to Expose the Truth & Inspire Change
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