Dear Friend,


Dying people in the UK often do not have access to the choice they need to ensure that they can die on their own terms. Under the cruel current law, too many dying people must choose between suffering a painful death they don’t want, travelling abroad to access an assisted death, or taking matters into their own hands. We’re campaigning to change that.


Gifts in Wills are vital to the success of the campaign. They allow us to plan the work needed to make law change happen. And through our partnership with Farewill, you can make a Will worth £100 for free.

A gift in your Will could make history, Friend. Will you leave Dignity in Dying a gift in your Will and help to fund the campaign for choice?

Make my free Will >>


Over the decades, we’ve turned what was once a theoretical debate into a high profile campaign for real change. There have been many milestones on that journey, including taking cases to court to challenge the current law. We’ve produced groundbreaking research into the cruelty of the blanket ban on assisted dying. We’ve worked with the media so that the voices of dying people and their families can be heard. Assisted dying is no longer a fringe political issue, but a mainstream, compassionate position. We couldn’t have done it without you.

We need you more than ever. Friend, will you leave a gift in your Will to Dignity in Dying today and help us win a more compassionate law?

Yes, I'll make my free Will  >>


Thanks to your generous support over the years, an assisted dying law is now a matter of when rather than if. Gifts in Wills are a huge part of that, as they ensure we have the funds needed to plan our most high impact work.


Best wishes,


David Pearce
Director of Fundraising and Marketing


P.S. Making your will with Farewill using our link is completely free.

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Dignity in Dying
181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
