Are you worried about our democracy?
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John, if you're worried about our democracy, you're not alone. According to recent polling, more than 80% of voters are concerned about the state of American democracy.

When you look around the country, it's not hard to see why: 

→ In Texas, Republican lawmakers passed legislation allowing GOP state officials to overturn election results in the state's most Democratic city. 

→ In North Carolina, Republicans are launching an all-out assault on voting rights ahead of 2024, passing legislation that would toss out legally cast ballots and make it harder to register to vote.

→ In AlabamaRepublicans are openly defying a Supreme Court ruling by refusing to comply with the Voting Rights Act.

The GOP is flagrantly anti-democracy — so it's up to us to protect the future of free and fair elections by making our voices heard at the ballot box. Will you do your part by making a quick donation to Voto Latino to help us register and mobilize more voters than ever before?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Here's the good news, John: When we turn out and vote in massive numbers, we still have the power to defeat the MAGA movement's extreme, anti-democracy agenda. 

Last month, Republican anti-abortion activists in Ohio tried to change the rules to limit citizens' ability to protect reproductive rights in the state constitution. The GOP legislature scheduled a special election in August, hoping low turnout would allow their proposal to sneak through — instead, Ohioans saw through their scheme, showed up to vote, and forcefully rejected the measure.

This victory for democracy is Ohio provides a clear playbook ahead of 2024. By showing up to vote, we can defeat GOP efforts to weaken our democracy across the country.

Voto Latino is working to register and mobilize young Latinos in key battleground states so we can make our voices heard. Every $24 donation helps us reach one more voter — and there are millions of potential voters to reach. So please, pitch in now to help power our work.

— Voto Latino


Our voting rights, health care, reproductive rights, environment, and more are all at stake. For the cost of a cup of coffee a month, you can make a difference in our party, the outcome of future races, and in the lives of our community. Will you commit to a small monthly contribution to help make our voices heard, John?

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States