Dear Friend,

As you may know, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently recommended that the Department of Justice (DOJ) reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug. If their recommendation is enacted, today's lenient message on marijuana will be spread even further and deeper, despite science saying the contrary.


This is the good news: the DOJ is not required to follow HHS’s recommendation. If we arm them with the facts about marijuana, we can help convince them that marijuana is highly addictive and belongs in Schedule I.


But we need your help. Join us in telling the DOJ to follow the science and keep marijuana in Schedule I.


We’ve already taken action. Working with our advocates, we are directing feedback and data to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and will soon meet with the administration's leadership. We are also working with congressional partners to oppose any rescheduling.


Moving marijuana to Schedule III will empower the marijuana industry to continue popularizing the false narrative that marijuana isn’t harmful, but rather a nonaddictive, cure-all medicine. You know the truth: marijuana can destroy lives.

We both know that the marijuana industry and its Wall Street investors are watching these developments closely. Companies selling Schedule III drugs are given a tax break that the marijuana industry desperately want. They will use this tax break to deduct expenses for advertisements aimed at our kids.


We need your support to ensure that the marijuana industry doesn’t boost their profits off of marketing to our kids.


With your generosity we can ensure that the marijuana industry will see not profit from the DOJ’s scheduling review. Make your gift now and join our fight.


Dr. Kevin Sabet

President & CEO

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM)