Jack –– NO! This isn't what we wanted to see happen! Latest polling out of Texas shows that Ted Cruz is gaining favorable ground with independent voters.
FIRST: When Democrats were concentrating on FLIPPING TEXAS blue, we had the funds needed to educate independent voters about how terrible Ted Cruz is.
THEN: Most Democrats tuned out politics during the summer, and Ted Cruz took over the airwaves. He’s now SURGING with Independents because we don’t have the resources to get the truth out.
NOW: We have one final shot to get the true message out about Ted Cruz. We’re raising $25,000 for a massive push, and we need at least 47 donors from California to step up.
We are dedicated to electing Democrats. We are on the frontlines to help retake the House majority, protect the Senate, and keep the White House in Democratic hands.
We rely EXCLUSIVELY on grassroots support from Democrats like you. If you want to save our Democratic majorities and the White House, please rush a donation today.