September 12, 2023

CONTACT: Kris Ullman
[email protected]
Eagle Forum Joins Save our Cars Coalition
Endorses Preserving Choice for Vehicle Purchases Act
Today, Eagle Forum joined the Save Our Cars Coalition, a group of over 30 national and state-based organizations committed to safeguarding consumers’ freedom to choose the car or truck that perfectly suits their needs. The Biden Administration and the state of California are trying to regulate away American’s prerogative to choose the vehicle that is right for each family.
Eagle Forum President Kristen A. Ullman said, “The moms of America, more than any other group, understand the need to be able to drive the car of our choosing. From driving kids to and from schools, practices, and activities to shopping, commuting to work, visiting friends, and caring for family, we rely on our cars! Each family is different and has unique needs. We believe that automobile manufacturers should be free to produce the types of vehicles that consumers want to buy, not just the ones that governments compel them to make. By joining the Save Our Cars Coalition, we are uniting with millions of other Americans advocating to protect our choices.”
Eagle Forum is supporting H.R.1435, the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, which will be voted on this week in the House of Representatives. The bill would amend federal law to block attempts to eliminate the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines and restrict the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing any waivers that would ban the sale or use of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines. 
Ullman stated, “Eagle Forum encourages all Representatives to vote in favor of this important pro-family bill. Families, especially moms, need to have the option to drive the vehicle they choose, whether gas-powered or electric, large or small. This bill would preserve consumer choice, maintain competition, and ensure American families have access to reliable and affordable vehicles that are best for their individual needs.”
Eagle Forum was founded by Phyllis Schlafly, a dynamic and charismatic leader who inspired countless women and men to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. For nearly fifty years, Eagle Forum’s network of state organizations has led the charge to mobilize the grassroots to defend the founding principles of the United States.
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