From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Progress to goal: 23%
Date September 12, 2023 1:14 PM
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Hey. Hope you’re having a good morning.

I’m writing to tell you about the progress we’ve made towards our goal ahead of this month’s FEC deadline.

It’s a critical deadline, and I think it’s only fair to you that I’m honest about how we’re doing as we get closer and closer to it.

So today, September 12th, we’re just under 25 percent to our overall goal.

By the 15th — the halfway point to our FEC deadline on September 30th — we need to be pretty close to 50 percent.

That’s a long way to go in just a few days. So I’m asking, very humbly, if you can please make your first contribution to my campaign before midnight tonight.

Here's why:

One of the metrics we track every month is whether we’re getting enough new donors to the campaign. So far, we haven’t.

I wish I knew why, because this is going to be one of the most important races in the entire country when it comes to control of the Senate.

Whatever the reason is, I need you today. I need people who have been on the sidelines until now to take the next step and join this campaign by making their first donation.

Because this isn’t just any deadline. When it ends we're legally required to report our numbers for everyone to see. So please:

Can I count on you to use this link and contribute to my campaign for Senate today? Help us make up some ground with your donation. Help us win. Please.

Contribute: [link removed]

As we get closer and closer to our mid-month deadline, I’m going to keep checking in about our progress. I hope you’ll take that as a sign of how important this really is.

Until next time, though: Thank you.


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