
A Real Estate Trust Bought Dozens of Brooklyn Brownstones. Now It Wants Out.

A real estate trust bought single-family homes in gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhoods, renovated, and rented them out at a premium. With the trust now looking to offload the assets, tenants are left in an uncertain position, fearful that their homes will be sold out from under them and irritated by inconsistent management.

“I would be devastated to be perfectly frank,” Barnes said. “You go into renting knowing that that’s always a possibility… you might not be able to stay where you are.”

Read the story.

City Pitches 4K Apartments for Industrial Central Brooklyn Stretch
Mayor Eric Adams has positioned the Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan as one of two significant neighborhood-level rezonings that could help boost his “moonshot” goal of 500,000 new units of housing over the next decade. Read the story.
With ‘Save the Hudson’ Bill Signed, What’s Next for Indian Point?
After a months-long campaign by residents and environmentalists, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation to ban the deactivated nuclear power plant from discharging treated waste into the river nearby. But what happens now with the site’s 1 million gallons of radioactive water is uncertain, and advocates are pressing the state to step in further. Read the story.
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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: A Leadership Perspective on the ‘Toxic’ State of Our Schools 

“Without the renewed confidence of principals, the administration’s agenda for improved student outcomes cannot be achieved.”

Read the oped here.

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PÓDCAST: ¿Cómo ha afectado a comunidades en Texas la operación Estrella Solitaria contra inmigrantes?
El pasado 1 de septiembre, la Frontera Texas Coalition (Coalición Frontera Texas) realizó movilizaciones para poner fin a las estrategias de control fronterizo del gobernador Greg Abbott y pidió la retirada inmediata de todo el personal de la Guardia Nacional de Texas y de los agentes del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la frontera sur de Texas. Leer el artículo.
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