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Rep. Anna Eskamani filed HB 45, a bill to prevent schools who receive voucher funds from discriminating against students. The bill may never be heard in committee unless citizens demand a hearing. 
You can act now to help.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that at least $105 million in public funds in the form of vouchers went to private schools with anti-gay policies during the last school year.
16% percent of the students who received vouchers during the 2018-2019 school year attended a school that either denies enrollment, expels, or otherwise opposes students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
This is not a new problem, but it has been ignored by lawmakers for too long. It is time for the Legislature to prohibit LGBTQ discrimination of students who attend Florida’s voucher schools.
Public pressure is increasing on donors to the voucher funding organization, Step Up for Students, to end funding of vouchers until Step Up discontinues sending their contributions to private and religious schools that are known to have policies allowing for discrimination. 
The Florida Education Association has a long-held core value of valuing and respecting diversity and has long called for transparency and accountability for schools accepting state funded vouchers – and protections for students against discrimination. It is time the legislature demands the same of voucher schools.
Fedrick C. Ingram
Fedrick C. Ingram, President
Florida Education Association
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Fedrick Ingram, FEA President

213 S. Adams St., Tallahassee, FL 32301

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