It is really quite simple:
The U.S. Senate must vote "No" on impeachment.
A 'Yes' vote would damage the Office of the President and effectively destroy the separation of powers essential to our constitutional form of government.
In a few short months America gets to pass judgment upon the Presidency of Donald Trump in the November election.
The pro-impeachment crowd want to deprive the American people of this constitutional right by reversing the results of the 2016 election and interfering in the 2020 election.
In fact, Democrats are trying to steal this 2020 election just like they stole the 2017 U.S. Senate special election in Alabama.
The articles of impeachment, as introduced, simply do not satisfy the requirements for impeachment and removal under the Constitution.
The Democrat allegations, even if true, DO NOT constitute high crimes, bribery, or misdemeanors.
If I were in D.C., you can rest assured I'd be a solid NO vote on this impeachment sham.

While these Democrats tear apart the fabric of our system, they are very upfront with their designs for our nation.
They intend to besmirch the office of the President with any tool available -- in this case impeachment.
They've done it before. Watch this video for a short recap on Democrat smear jobs.