Just making sure you saw this!


Hey. Yesterday Adrian reached out to you to see if you could chip in a contribution to help our deportation defense and organizing.

At first, donations came pouring in — many donations of $1, $5, and even a couple $100 gifts came through in the first couple hours alone!

But since then, the donation rate has slowed down... a lot. So I thought I’d bump X’s message from yesterday to the top of your inbox and ask one more time:

As of midnight yesterday, we’re officially half-way through the month of February. Now we’ll be making plans for the rest of February and March based on our updated budgets.

Can you make a contribution of $10 or more today? Given the news we’ve heard about how Trump is increasing his abusive tactics, I hope we can meet the threat and defeat it. So what do you say, friend -- can you help?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Every time I look at our numbers I’m in awe of what a group of everyday people like you and me, people who care about creating change and doing better by and for others, are able to accomplish… just a few dollars at a time.

Putting on rallies to shut down immigrant concentration camps and hold the Trump administration accountable for crimes against our people, sending activists and organizers to on-the-ground activism opportunities, feeding our volunteers with all the pizza they need to power through hitting their goals -- that’s all because of you.

Thanks so much for being a critical part of what we’re doing here. It truly makes a difference.

Nestor from United We Dream Action

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