
Dear John,

Twenty-two years ago, we experienced a terror attack that rocked our nation and forever changed our world. With the barbaric acts of terrorists on September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives when four planes were hijacked and crashed into some of our nation’s most important landmarks. In the wake of the collisions, 411 brave responders lost their own lives while attempting to rescue survivors and fight fires.

As the son of a United States Marine, I am reminded of the persistent threat of terrorism that still exists today and am grateful for the countless American heroes who stand watch around the globe, protecting and defending our country from those who seek to destroy it. Today, I am especially grateful for their selfless service. 

As proven time and again, our nation remains united in the face of tragedy. Freedom and unwavering liberty remains strong in our hearts and minds.

May we never forget the horrific events of September 11 and always remember the lives lost on this fateful day.

Montana Proud,

Senator Steve Daines




Are you thankful for the bravery of first responders on September 11, 2001?




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