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Monday, September 11th, 2023


Why We Need To Understand What Happened at Pearl Harbor

Lew Rockwell

9/11 After 22 years

Paul Craig Roberts

Argentina, Milei, and the International ‘New Right’

Edgar Beltrán

How Do We Reach the Brainwashed?

VN Alexander

Criminally Insane… America’s Top Diplomat Calls Depleted Uranium Munitions to Ukraine a ‘Housewarming Gift’

Strategic Culture Foundation

Reinventing Democracy

Charles Hugh Smith

Mexico’s Two Presidential Candidates – Soros Installed

Helena Glass

Pay Attention to the Everyday Horrors

Caitlin Johnstone

Welcome to the Real Estate Industry Apocalypse

Michael Snyder

To Your Health

Taki Theodoracopulos

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — The Health and Freedom Candidate

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Burn Back Better; It’s Not Climate Change, It’s Psychopathy

Elizabeth Nickson

Political Theatre

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