The murder was brutal and cold blooded. An autopsy determined The victim was on the ground when he was fatally injured, according to court documents. The murderer should get the chair. Instead he gets a cakewalk while decent, law abiding Americans are ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Leftist Gets 5 Years in Prison for Killing Teen Whom He Said Was a ‘Republican Extremist,’ But J6er Who Wasn’t Even in the Capitol Gets 22 Years
The murder was brutal and cold-blooded. An autopsy determined that the victim was on the ground when he was fatally injured, according to court documents. The murderer should get the chair. Instead, he gets a cakewalk, while decent, law-abiding ...

Pelosi Running For Reelection – Wants Two More Years of Insider Trading
Thanks to Pelosi, San Francisco is hell on earth. And hell is too good for ANYONE who would vote for this demon. In a rational world, she'd be publicly flogged for what she did to this country.

Pelsoi … wow… evil is forever ...

New Mexico Governor’s Suspends Second Amendment, Triggers Constitutional Crisis
Democrats defund the police, crime runs rampant, and then these same Democrats disarm law-abiding citizens at a time when they need their protection the most.

These bloody dictators should be strung up.

NM lawmakers call for the impeachment ...

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax
Settled science? Not so fast.

“Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. They… ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial… There is no statistical evidence that global ...

After Democrat Police-Hater Worked to “Dismantle the Police,” Criminals Beat Her To A Pulp
Karma is bloody. She reaped what she sowed – a broken leg and a bloodied face, after a violent carjacking.

.@Shivanthi Sathanandan, the vice chair for the Democrat Party @MinnesotaDFL in Minnesota, virulently advocated for the dismantling of ...

Japanese Doctors Denounce Covid Jabs
Related: Osaka Japan has now stopped recommending the covid vaccines

Local Japanese Authorities Stop Recommending COVID-19 Vaccines, Cite Higher Infection Rates Among the Vaccinated and Immune System Disorders (Video)

Doctors in Japan are ...

Covid Shots Behind Spike In Excess Deaths, Accelerating to New Highs, 48% Increase in CHILDREN
Graph: This steeply inclining line to the right of the graph is EXCESS DEATHS IN CHILDREN AGED 0 – 24 in America.

Study: Covid Shots Behind Spike in Excess Child Deaths

An unprecedented 44% increase in natural cause mortality (no ...

President Trump is the people's president.

Trump literally can’t move in Iowa.

How do you beat this?

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 9, 2023

President Donald J. Trump steps out to ...

New York Times Hates Netanyahu So Much, It Wants to Stop Peace Deal Between Israel and Saudi Arabia
Thomas L. Friedman, one of the most egregiously and consistently wrongheaded columnists on the New York Times’ roster, where there is stiff competition for such appellations, proclaimed in a Tuesday op-ed that “You Can’t Normalize Relations ...

TRUMP PEACE History: Special dispatch from first Israeli business delegation to Saudi Arabia
Another miracle in the Middle East because of President Trump's Abraham Accords. Israel-Saudi normalization is now inevitable. But the Nobel Peace Prize has still not been awarded to President Trump for normalizing relations between Israel and the ...

IRS Launches ‘Sweeping, Historic’ Tax Enforcement Crackdown Using AI
The poor beleaguered American.

Oh, and I'm sure party affiliation is part of that algorithm.

Related: More Americans Taking Second Jobs, Part-Time Work As Inflation Continues To Rage |

IRS Launches 'Sweeping, Historic' Tax Enforcement ...

Another huge endorsement for President Trump. The Republican primary is over. The other Republican Party presidential candidates need to suspend their campaigns immediately and endorse President Trump.

BREAKING: Governor Kristi Noem endorses ...

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