The other night, I was about to put Lillian to sleep when I saw this text from my Republican opponent:

First off, he should check who’s on his texting list. But secondly, it was an important wake up call for our campaign. Our opponent is actively texting his supporters for donations and calling this “one of the most competitive House races in the country.”
Will you please donate now to help us keep up with my new Republican opponent?
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This is getting serious, John. My opponent already launched his campaign at a massive fundraiser with Kevin McCarthy, now I’m getting attacked with ads by national republicans, and my opponent is texting his supporters for donations!
We’ve gone from a likely blue seat to one of the most competitive races in the country!
We estimate my opponent raised about $10,000 from this texting campaign. Can you please rush in a donation for us to keep pace with him and keep this seat blue?
We’re already in full campaign mode!
- Josh