URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Wild bees and other critical pollinators are being driven toward extinction in large part by DANGEROUS PESTICIDES called neonics!

We have already lost 89% of the American bumblebee population in the last 20 years. These and other vulnerable pollinators help keep our ecosystems healthy and are essential for 1 out of 3 bites of food. But toxic pesticides called neonics, the most widely used insecticides in the world, are poisoning the pollen and nectar bees rely on and driving many of these beloved pollinators closer to extinction. Friend, please take action now to help BAN these bee-killing pesticides before it’s too late >>

The science linking neonics to the decline in bees and other pollinators is clear. That’s why the European Union has already banned the worst neonics -- but the EPA continues to prioritize pesticide industry profits above the health of our planet. 

Over 180,000 species of plants need pollinators to survive, and we rely on them for 75% of our most nutritious food crops like fruits, veggies, and nuts. Without bees and other pollinators, there could be devastating consequences for our ecosystems. Will you help protect our planet by adding your name right away to STOP the use of harmful neonics?

Thanks for taking urgent action, 
Friends of the Earth
