Kamala Harris apparently doesn't know a thing about Democrats' recent abortion bill.


Today, Vice President Harris said the idea that Democrats support abortion on demand, up to the moment of birth, is "ridiculous."

Has Kamala Harris not been paying attention?

Apparently, Vice President Harris doesn't know anything about the Democrats' bill – the so-called Women's Health Protection Act – that would overrule all state laws and Supreme Court cases post-Roe and would create a national abortion standard in line with China and North Korea.

Look at the transcript from her interview today with CBS's Margaret Brennan:
MARGARET BRENNAN:-- It wasn't crafted into law. And that's why I'm asking you for the specifics there, because Republicans say the lack of a precise date in cutting it off - you know this - they say that allows Democrats to perform abortions up until, you know, birth.

VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS: Which is ridiculous--

MARGARET BRENNAN: Which is statistically not accurate--

VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS:-- And it's ridiculous.
There are currently 6 states that allow abortion on demand, virtually without restrictions, up to the moment of birth.

I have been specific on this issue. My legislation limits abortion at 15 weeks, a point at which science tells us babies can feel pain, with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. We need to put America in line with 47 of 50 European nations that limit abortion between 12 and 15 weeks.

It is now time for Democrats like Vice President Harris to be specific as to what limitations and restrictions – if any – they would support, and when they consider the unborn child medically viable.

John, will you DEMAND an answer from Kamala Harris on where she stands on abortion-on-demand?

I've been clear where I stand on Life – I expect the Vice President of the United States to do the same.

Thanks for standing for Life,

Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham


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