Williams Weekly                          

Dear Texans,

It's been a busy week in TX-25 meeting with constituents and hearing about the successes and challenges our district is facing. As we wrap up August recess, I will stand firm behind my values and always remain committed to fighting for your priorities. Next week, I head back to Washington with a fresh perspective on the issues that matter most to you. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on my work serving you.

CreditCore Annual Conference Breakfast

I joined the CreditCore Annual Conference Breakfast to speak to community bank professionals about my work in D.C. serving on the Financial Services Committee and the overall state of the economy. Over-regulation is costing American businesses more than $360 billion dollars and 220 million man-hours to just ensure they are complying with these ever-changing rules, causing mom and pop shops to fall behind. As your Representative, I am fighting each day to protect Texans from having to carry the burden of federal overregulation.


Fort Worth Chamber Business Retention and Expansion Committee

I sat down with the Fort Worth Chamber Business Retention and Expansion Committee to hear how they are working to keep and bring new business to Fort Worth and share an update on my work as Chairman of the House Small Business Committee. Many of the issues they voiced are issues that I hear about regularly in my committee – high inflation, increasing cost to borrow making it harder for businesses to move, and an ongoing labor shortage. In Washington I am working to get Americans back to work, fix our broken supply chain, and put money back in the pockets of hard-working families and business owners.


Fort Worth Chamber Leaders in Government Luncheon

I delivered the keynote address at the Fort Worth Chamber Leaders in Government Luncheon where I spoke about Main Street’s struggles in Joe Biden’s economy and my work in Congress to put an end to crippling Bidenflation. Americans are working long hours, sacrificing things they can no longer afford, and are still falling short living paycheck to paycheck. It's past time for this administration to take accountability, rein in reckless inflationary spending, and put America first.


Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office

I visited the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office to meet with Sheriff Waybourn and other law enforcement officers to discuss their concerns and thank them for all they do each day to keep TX-25 communities safe. Democrat’s radical ‘defund the police’ and soft-on-crime policies have put American communities in danger, causing skyrocketing crime and violence against our police. I am committed to providing our men and women in blue with the resources they need to safely do their jobs. I will always stand for those who put their lives on the line to keep our families, children, and nation safe.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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