![]() Patriot, Both houses of Congress are back in session this week, and the next few weeks (if not months) will likely be intense. Many bills tied to issues you and I care about could move with little warning. To name just a few issues we’re watching closely: >>> A vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Thanks to your support, Campaign for
Liberty was able to get a prohibition against indefinite detention of Americans without trial passed in the House version, and neither the
House nor the Senate bill contained any digital ID scheme or the free speech-killing RESTRICT Act. But anything can happen in “conference committee,” the special committee to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions. We’re watching closely to make sure unconstitutional jailing of Americans without trial makes it through and the dangerous provisions are kept out. >>> A vote on the multi-TRILLION dollar budget, or more likely, a “continuing resolution” to kick the can down the road a few more months. We’re already getting signals Senate Republicans are going to cave to the Biden administration to pass a gargantuan budget, and we will need to fight to get the House to hold the line. >>> A massive new infusion of taxpayer money into the hopeless war in Ukraine, which could occur in the NDAA, the budget, or even a bill for supplemental funding for disaster relief in the United States. >>> The House committee on weaponization of government held hearings to expose the coordinated silencing of free speech online by government entities, but we still haven’t seen any clear effort to prevent this moving forward. >>> With the media setting the stage for a new round of Covid tyranny, we’re on high alert for any new emergency orders, legislation, and mandates. >>> Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act expires soon unless Congress passes new legislation to renew their spying authority, and we’re going to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. Any or all of these could come up at any time, so we need to be prepared. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to complete your Campaign for Liberty supporter survey to let us know which of these issues we should fight most vigorously. And then, if possible, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution to allow us to continue to make these fights. Liberty is hanging by a thread, and it’s critical you and I fight back! But grassroots mobilization isn’t easy, or cheap. With your support, we can continue to inform and mobilize a greater number of American patriots to defend and restore the Constitution. Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Everything is up in the air, and Congress is going to try to do as much as possible, as soon as possible, before the 2024 elections begin looming closer on the horizon. Keep an eye on your inbox, complete your supporter survey if you haven’t already, and if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s continuing mobilization. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |