From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject I am writing to humbly ask if you can make your first online contribution to my campaign before midnight tonight. Thank you in advance. - RG
Date September 10, 2023 1:14 PM
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Good morning.

I am writing to ask — humbly — if you can please make a contribution to my campaign before midnight tonight.

The truth is, we haven't had enough first-time donors give this month. I don’t know why, but I do know that winning Arizona's Senate seat is key to control of the Senate.

So if we're going to stay on track to our goals ahead of our next FEC deadline at the end of this month, I have to turn people who have yet to donate online to our campaign.

And this FEC deadline is important. It's critical. Because when it ends we're legally required to report our numbers. So please:

Can I count on you to use this link and contribute $ to my campaign for Senate today? There's so much at stake in this race and I need your help to reach our goals.

Contribute: [link removed]

Thank you,


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