What could you do with an extra $1,000 per year?
I’ll leave it to you to figure it out—but that’s the average each American spends annually on junk fees.
Junk fees are deceptive charges meant to confuse or hide the full price from customers. They range from bank overdraft fees to resort fees at hotels, extra charges at restaurants or fees to pay a bill.
As a consumer protection attorney, I’ve been excited that the Biden Administration is finally cracking down on big corporations that use junk fees to line CEO pockets. They’re pushing Wall Street to lower overdraft and credit card fees, cracking down on deceptive internet prices, and holding airlines accountable for price transparency and banning fees for parents to sit with their child.
What junk fees have you come across in your life? Click here to let me know.
There’s still more to do, and I’m excited to partner with the President to keep holding corporations accountable and keeping more money in the pockets of Americans. Standing up to corruption will be one of my number one priorities in the Senate.
Thanks so much for being a part of Team Porter.