Friend --
We have an exciting week coming up with petitioning opportunities and building community.
Please come out to the Takoma Park folk festival <[link removed]>?in Montgomery County on Sunday, Sept. 10 and the?Essex Days festival? <[link removed]>in Baltimore County on Sept. 16.
These fun opportunities to get to know your local Green Party are available most weekends. To see additional events where the Maryland Green Party <[link removed]> is going to be, check our Meetings calendar <[link removed]>.
This is an important time to build The Maryland Green Party <[link removed]> to provide a real workers' choice and elect Greens up and down the ballot, but we need your help!
We need folks to volunteer and help our ballot access effort by signing up here <[link removed]>?as well as increasing donations. Signing up to volunteer means we can keep you up to date each week about opportunities to help us get back on the ballot.
We thank you for being in this with us and look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event or meeting.
Finally, ballot access drives are an expensive burden that the two dominant parties place on smaller parties. We need the financial help of members and supporters to ensure we succeed in our drive. Please donate today. <[link removed]>
<[link removed]>Donate <[link removed]>
Maryland Green Party
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Maryland Green Party - PO Box 23018, Baltimore, MD 21203, United States
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