We've personally selected you to take part in our new U.S. Postal Service Focus Group based on your previous responses to Democratic surveys.
Please respond before midnight by using this personalized link: https://surveys.signforgood.com/usps-focus-group/respondent4833
Friend, have your USPS packages been arriving on time? Do you trust the Postal Service?
We know that when the pandemic started, USPS services were inconsistent and slow for many of us. That's why, last year, Senate Democrats — led by Michigan Senator Gary Peters — passed a huge set of USPS reforms.
This legislation was meant to improve your service, reduce delays, and protect the Postal Service for decades to come. The data from USPS shows major improvements, but we need to ensure the Postal Service is continuing to provide reliable, high-quality services to customers like you.
That's why we've personally selected you to take part in our new USPS Focus Group. This data is critical in our mission, so we're counting on your response. Please, will you make your voice heard and complete our USPS Focus Group now?
Your personalized link to join expires at 11:59 p.m. tonight:
Link exclusively generated for use by [email protected]