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The BBC has apologised and amended a Panorama documentary presented by Stacey Dooley after she inadvertently described a Muslim prayer sign as a terrorist
One of Britain's largest anti-abortion organisations has been accused of a "cynical marketing ploy" after it launched a Toy Story-themed campaign aimed at
young children, which claims that foetuses can feel pain just 10 weeks after conception.
Caroline Fraser says the anti-medical dogma of Christian Science led her father to an agonising death – and the church's decline can't happen fast enough.
A Republican representative in the US state of Ohio who blamed gun massacres on "homosexual marriage", godlessness and other factors is facing calls from her
own party to resign.
A Mauritanian blogger released last week after more than five years in jail on blasphemy charges has said he only "saw the sun six times" during his
incarceration, according to Amnesty International, which said he has now arrived in Europe.
As opposition to compulsory worship gathers and its defenders grow increasingly out of touch, Alastair Lichten says ministers should reconsider the law and
its implementation.
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