Along the eastern crest of California’s Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument sits a stretch of rolling hills, rocky outcroppings, and sprawling wildflower meadows. More than 30 rare plant species grow here, and the region serves as a critical corridor between the Monument and other protected areas for creatures like elk, mountain lions, and black bears. But this unique ecosystem is in danger!
This is Molok Luyuk, or “Condor Ridge” -- and unlike the nearby monument it remains unprotected from greedy energy developers!
Molok Luyuk is sacred to the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, and they are asking President Biden to expand the nearby Berryessa Snow Mountain National monument to permanently protect this unique landscape. Friend, will you help amplify Tribal voices and tell President Biden to PROTECT Molok Luyuk and its rare wildlife from greedy developers?
Molok Luyuk is steeped in THOUSANDS of years of history. To this day, it holds cultural and religious importance to Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation as a site central to their origin stories.
But developers are already eyeing this land -- and their plans could change Molok Luyuk forever. The good news is that we still have time to convince President Biden to act -- but it will require a BIG push from environmentalists like you. If just 1 of every 11 people reading this email takes action, we’ll reach our signature goal. Add your name and help stop the destruction of this unique landscape before it’s too late! >>
Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Senior Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth