From Eagle Forum, Kris Ullman President <[email protected]>
Subject Eagle Forum Applauds Senator Vance for Protecting American’s Freedom to Breathe
Date September 9, 2023 1:59 PM
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September 7, 2023

CONTACT: Kris Ullman
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Eagle Forum Applauds Senator Vance for Protecting American’s Freedom to Breathe
Senator Markey Favors Unscientific Masking, Blocks Vote
Eagle Forum released the following statement after Senate Democrats prevented a vote on a bill to stop the federal government from imposing mask mandates on the American people:

Today, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) attempted to bring a bill, The Freedom to Breathe Act, to the floor for a vote. This common sense, science-backed bill would have prevented federally funded schools and transportation systems from mandating masks be worn. After almost two years of toddlers and travelers being forced to cover their faces and impede their breathing or face ostracization, and in light of studies showing that masking is ineffective in stopping the transmission of COVID-19, the American people are fed up. It’s time to finally “trust the science” and reject the politics of fear.

Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) objected to a vote on the bill. He chose to mislead people by claiming the bill would prevent anyone who wants to cover their face from doing so. He used the tired and misleading argument that masking protects against the virus. Even Dr. Fauci said over the weekend that no one, including the CDC, has plans to force Americans to re-mask. But the words and actions of Sen. Markey demonstrated that is not true.

We applaud the efforts of Senators Vance, Budd (R-NC), Braun (R-IN), Hawley (R-MO), Schmitt (R-MO), Barasso (R-WY), and Britt (R-AL) to bring the bill to a vote and stop the unscientific tyranny of mandated masking. We urge all Members of Congress to stand up for science and pass the Freedom to Breathe Act.


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