For the last two weeks, we've been publishing all Metro content, all the time: a GGWash Metro-thon!
For the last two weeks, we've been publishing all Metro content, all the time: a GGWash Metro-thon!
Below, we've included every single Metro-thon story so you can catch up on anything you've missed. Together, we've learned so much about the trade-offs involved in Metro's expansion proposals -- including way more than we ever expected to know about geology between Rosslyn and Georgetown. We've dreamed big about growing Metro to one million trips per day, and what that would mean for our region's climate goals. We celebrated as three students set a new Metro speedrun record. As temperatures outside approached 100 degrees, we learned how Metro keeps its riders cool. And so much more.
We hope you've enjoyed this spree of transit-themed coverage as much as we've enjoyed publishing it! Big thanks to the writers who pulled together such amazing stories, and to the supporters who make it possible for us to publish special series like this.
Keeping with the theme, we hope you'll join us at the GGWash Fall Mixer coming up at Metrobar! This casual, family-friendly night out in support of GGWash's work is coming up from 5-9pm on September 27 at Metrobar. Tickets and more info >>
Nick Sementelli (Board of Directors) • August 30, 2023

DC set a series of specific emissions and Vision Zero targets, but they’re only reachable if leaders start thinking about daily Metrorail ridership in the seven digits. This is part 7 in a series about how DC can achieve its Vision Zero and climate goals, with parts 7 - 9 highlighting the role of our regional transit rail system, Metrorail, in achieving those goals.
J.M. Christoph (Guest Contributor) • August 31, 2023

J.M. Christoph dives into the more than two decades of history related to Metro’s capacity bottleneck that led us to today’s Blue-Orange-Silver Line expansion alternatives.
David Edmondson (Contributor) • August 29, 2023

WMATA’s new Metrorail expansion concepts are rooted in a deeply flawed planning process, argues David Edmondson. Here’s how it could be better.
Bill Pugh (Guest Contributor) • September 5, 2023

Subsidizing big league stadiums is a loser for taxpayers. Public funds would be better spent on saving Metro and bolstering our regional transit system.
J.M. Christoph (Guest Contributor) • September 6, 2023

Metro’s leaders have a lot to take into consideration when weighing Blue-Orange-Silver expansion proposals, not least of which is the ground beneath their feet, literally. The area’s geology creates unique challenges. J.M. Christoph excavates the implications.
Adam Bressler (Guest Contributor) • September 7, 2023

Washington area riders are suffering from record-breaking heat. We bring you a timely explainer about how Metro tries to keep riders cool, and how the system may evolve.
Kai Hall (Policy Officer) • September 5, 2023

Kai Hall, GGWash’s policy officer, argues that transit and local leaders should pursue rider joy as a visionary long-term strategy to build cultural, political, and financial support for transit.
BeyondDC • September 1, 2023

All things Metro in this week’s Photo Friday! Compiled from images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool.
Hugh Barringer (Guest Contributor), Benjamin Kreiswirth (Guest Contributor), Benjamin Jaffer (Guest Contributor) • August 28, 2023

Three University of Chicago students completed a speed run, visiting all 98 Metrorail stations in just over 8 hours. Here’s how they did it and the lessons they learned.