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Weekend Edition, September 9-10, 2023


There Is No Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

Gary D. Barnett

A Theory of the Game

James Howard Kunstler

Trudeau’s Empty Graves

Kennedy Hall

Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal: You Are Still the Enemy Within

Colin Todhunter

The CIA’s Continued Secrecy on Chile and JFK

Jacob G. Hornberger

Are Lockdowns Coming Back?

Daisy Luther

From 9/11 to Domestic Threat Actors — Control Is the Goal

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Inside the Blue Bubble

Matt Taibbi

Service Without a Smile

Theodore Dalrymple

Megyn Kelly Says She Regrets Covid Shots After Developing ‘Autoimmune Issue’

Jean Mondoro

Lying About Russia: They Award Pulitzers for That, Don’t They?

Phil Butler

CDC Cover-up Exposed: CDC Hid Hundreds of Hospital Reports Showing Vax Is Causing Myocarditis

Ben Armstrong

Political Theatre

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