Biggs for

Bernie Sanders is THE frontrunner for the Democratic Presidential nomination!

For the first time in our Nation's history an avowed Socialist who praises Communist Dictators like Fidel Castro is the presidential frontrunner for a major political party!

If we let my seat and Arizona fall to the Democrats, we would be giving radical Socialists full control of our National Government!

Democrats and Berniecrats are raising millions from radical left-wing activists and billionaire megadonors to flip my seat and take Arizona. We need every concerned resident who doesn't want to see our country turned into Venezuela or Cuba to donate $10, $35, $55 or more to stop a Socialist takeover of our Country!

Under President Trump and Republican leadership, our nation and our economy are stronger than ever! But the Anti-Trump Fake News media is already in the bag for Bernie and they'll do anything to help him get elected.

We have the WINNING message and the leadership of President Trump to stop a socialist takeover -- we just need your help cutting through the Fake News media to get our WINNING message out to the voters before it's too late!

We fought an entire Cold War to stop the global spread of Socialism. It's a failed ideology that has left countries in ruins and devastated countless lives. We can't let Socialism take root in America, help us Keep America Great and put an end to a Socialist takeover NOW.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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