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Opinion and Poll
NJ City Approves Public Broadcast of Muslim Call to Prayer -- Should It? ([link removed]) Shireen Qudosi says 'no.' Take our poll Read and Share ([link removed])
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Antifa Blocks Major Commuter Rail Lines ([link removed]) Disruptions on major lines in and near Toronto Read and Share ([link removed])
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Ilhan Omar: 'I Am Hijabi, Muslim, Black ...' Fails to Mention American ([link removed]) Does Omar even see herself as American? Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Special Report: Child Militarization -- From Infant to Infantry ([link removed]) From Hamas to the Palestinian Authority, ISIS and beyond Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Face-Off With Rashida Tlaib: A Personal Story ([link removed])
“She is a disgrace and the voters are fools.”
- K.M.
Today’s Islamic Conquest of the West ([link removed])
“If our leaders keep bowing to their collective threats.”
- A.D.
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