America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

Member Spotlight:
Sarah Lamberth

Sarah is a US Army veteran, having left the service in 2019 as a Captain. In 2016, she served as a platoon leader to 28 soldiers during the 1st Infantry Division’s deployment to Kuwait and Jordan in support of Operation Spartan Shield. During this deployment, Sarah assisted units from the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Jordanian Army with logistical needs as they engaged ISIS and other terrorist forces.

In 2018, Sarah deployed to Europe in support of President Trump’s European defense initiative to deter Russian aggression. While in Poland, she was assigned the collateral duty of being a public affairs officer for the 1st Battalion 63rd Armored Regiment, serving as a conduit between her unit’s activities and the American public. While in this position, she was able to convey Army and American strategic messages to various trade news publications from seven NATO countries. Not only did Sarah provide quality communication to our partner nations and lead her soldiers in training evolutions in sub-freezing temperatures, but she was also given the task of supporting troops from the United Kingdom, Australia, Poland, Germany, and Georgia.

Upon returning to the US, an unfortunate loss of leadership forced Sarah to take command of her company. Sarah ended her tenure in the Army by leading her company of 154 soldiers through a battery of rigorous training designed to prepare them for their deployment to Korea. For her leadership and devotion to duty, she was awarded the Army Commendation Medal.

March Speaker Series With Katie Hopkins

Join us as we welcome Katie Hopkins as our speaker for March’s Speaker Series. Before the speaker club business will be conducted.
Date: Thursday March 19th

Doors Open: 6:45 PM

Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: 3 West Club (3 W 51st St )


Members: $15 (Online), $20 (At Door)

Non-members: $20 (Online), $25 (At Door)


A cash bar will be available before and during the event.

Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for food and drinks.

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April Speaker Series With James O'Keefe

Join us as we welcome James O'Keefe as our speaker for April’s Speaker Series. Before the speaker club business will be conducted.
Date: Thursday April 16th

Doors Open: 6:45 PM

Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: 3 West Club (3 W 51st St )


Members: $15 (Online) / $20 (At Door)

Non-members: $20 (Online) / $25 (At Door)

A cash bar will be available before and during the event.

Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for food and drinks.
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