Strike support meeting Sept.13th

UAW workers are poised to strike the "Big Three" auto companies on September 14th. The strike vote passed by a whopping 97 percent. If the autoworkers decide to go out, the picket lines will become the front lines of the class struggle.

Calling all members and friends! Let's meet on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Central, 5:00 PM Mountain and 4:00 PM Pacific to plan how we can support the pending strike.

Here's the link to register for the meeting. Feel free to share it. Strike support is a task for the entire working-class and democratic movement.


March to end fossil fuels Sept. 17

On September 17th, the March to End Fossil Fuels will take place in New York City. The march is being held in conjunction with the UN Climate Ambition Summit. We will join the anti-militarism hub of the march. It will gather on 54th street between Broadway and 7th. Let's meet at 12:00 PM. Are you coming? Sign up here to let us know!

For the record: CPUSA statement on Venezuela

The CPUSA supports the unity of the world Communist movement, and of left forces against U.S. imperialism. We do not take sides in disputes between parties building socialism.

Good morning, revolution! The war of position edition

By Communist Party USA

Destroying the "administrative state" vs. community control, police murder continues, potential UAW strike on the horizon, and mailbag.

Abbott’s deadly barriers at the border

By CPUSA Political Action Commission

Weaponizing the border, and using immigrants as political pawns, only adds to the death, injury and hardship that U.S. imperialism is imposing on migrant families' home countries.

Pressure building in unexpected quarters to end Ukraine war

By CPUSA Peace & Solidarity Commission

The big business press associates struggles for peace with foreign subversion, but there are cracks in the pro–Ukraine war propaganda. Is there an opening for negotiations?

Louise Thompson Patterson: A Revolutionary Life

By Norman Markowitz

For nearly 80 years Louise Thompson Patterson was an organizer and leader of the freedom movement. Her story deserves to be told and her life emulated.

Paul Robeson: a praise song for the unsung

By Taylor Dorrell

Paul Robeson was one of the most famous Black Americans of the early 20th century, but McCarthyism ended his career and attempted to purge him from history altogether.

On the Black agenda: housing must be a human right

By Karamo Muchuri Sulieman

Higher rates of homelessness among African Americans is closely tied to employment discrimination. Both must end.

Black August and the struggle for equality

By Lee Fazekas

Black August celebrates the history of protest against racist oppression in the U.S., and Saturday's March on Washington continued in that tradition of struggle for full racial equality.

Building the party and the movement through popular education projects

By Jamal Rich

The party can develop its role by building mass organizations of culture and struggle that provide important ideological tools to working-class and democratic movements.

Michigan CP raises the red flag at local art fair

By Noah Dollar

Three days of tabling and positive engagements with attendees of the Ann Arbor Art Fair earned the party new respect from many.

The 2024 elections: Cornel West’s outside challenge

By Eric Brooks

How does Professor West's campaign fit into the fight against the MAGA right? Or does it?

Write, Persist, Struggle: organizing the strength of the proletarian pen

By Taylor Dorrell

Providing a counter-narrative to that of the capitalist media requires a collective approach to writing, and one that is rooted in working-class experience and struggle.

Freeing our organizations from the culture of oppression requires vigilance

By Sammie Lewis

To organize our communities, white and male comrades need to also combat the influence of white supremacy, male chauvinism, and tokenism within themselves, within our party, and in our coalitions.

The U.K. must apologize for the 1953 coup in Iran

By Steve Bishop

August 19th marked the 70th anniversary of the Britain- and U.S.- planned coup in 1953 in Iran, which overthrew the democratically-elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.

Marxist IQ: a Labor Day tribute

By Norman Markowitz

As we transition from a hot labor summer to labor's continued fightback this fall, what lessons can we draw from U.S. labor history?

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