There are approximately 300 women from Cameroon seeking asylum at T. Don Hutto. Call and demand for their immediate release.

Hi John,


Just three days ago, a group of Cameroonian women detained at T. Don Hutto detention center held a sit-in in front of the medical clinic protesting the lack of medical attention.

Following the sit-in, ICE suspended visitation, turning away attorneys and community visitors. By blocking visitation, ICE denied access to legal representation and to community members who could help bring attention to the medical abuses happening inside. 

Yesterday, we found out that ICE retaliated against the women who protested by transfering more than 40 women to the Laredo detention center more than 200 miles away.

John, please call the Laredo Detention Center and T. Don Hutto to denounce their actions and demand their immediate release!

Also, join us this Saturday outside T. Don Hutto to demand their freedom and to stop ICE's nefarious plan to extend T. Don Hutto's contract for 10 more years!

For roughly the past six months, ICE has denied granting parole or bond to any of the women detained at T. Don Hutto. This leaves women who present themselves at the port of entry—what the US government says they should do—languishing in detention for the duration of their asylum case without any way to appeal for their release.

Right now, many of these women who crossed the bridge are from Cameroon, where the English speaking population is fleeing persecution from the French majority. According to estimates from women detained there, there are about 300 Cameroonians currently detained at T. Don Hutto.

The brave actions of these women show us why we cannot tolerate 10 more years of ICE’s abuse. ICE must stop retaliating against these women for speaking up for their human right to proper medical care and release them immediately on humanitarian parole. 


In solidarity,

Bethany Carson

Immigration Researcher and Organizer

PS: The women locked inside T. Don Hutto need to know they're not alone, and the louder we are, the better the women inside can hear our love and support for them. Join us!