ASG.Stream Friday Feature: Soho Forum Debates

Over 60 provocative debates are now available on ASG.Stream.

That's 90 hours of sparring over the contentious issues of our era.

  • Should libertarians support school choice?
  • Should sex work be legalized?
  • Socialism vs. capitalism?
  • Should we have open borders?
  • Gold vs. bitcoin?
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The Soho Forum is a monthly debate series held in Manhattan. A project of the Reason Foundation, the series features topics of special interest to libertarians and aims to enhance social and professional ties within the community.

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Justin Arman
Executive Director, ASG.Stream
Advocates for Self-Government

P.S. Thrilled to share these Soho Forum Debates with you on our platform.

Please write me to suggest other content.


The Advocates for Self-Government is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the social values of self-government.

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