Get Low(er) prescription drug prices by Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz.
Pharmaceutical companies have a bad habit of raising prescription drug prices on Americans, which is a real asshole move considering Americans need prescription drugs for their health and well-being. To add insult to injury, Americans pay more than three times as much as other comparable countries for the same brand-name prescription drugs. Not very live laugh love of pharmaceutical companies.
In a new poll, Data for Progress finds that 84% of voters support giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 10 prescription drugs. This includes 92% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, and 75% of Republicans. This finding mirrors a separate Data for Progress survey in late August, which found that 90% of voters support giving Medicare more power to negotiate lower prices for all prescription drugs. Notably, support for this announcement is overwhelmingly bipartisan, even when the big bad Biden Admin is mentioned. Something we can all agree on! Low drug prices for all!

In fact, Data for Progress finds that a majority of voters say: “why stop at 10 prescription drugs?” Eighty-seven percent of voters want the U.S. government to expand the number of prescription drugs for which Medicare is allowed to negotiate drug prices. This includes 92% of Democrats, 85% of Independents, and 82% of Republicans.
All things considered, prescription drugs are pretty important. It’s time that pharmaceutical companies start putting the American people before their own financial gain. A girl can dream.
Read the full brief and polling here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Concrete jungles where dreams are too expensive.
Sleeping in the city that never sleeps has become unaffordable. Between skyrocketing costs, short supply, and high demands, New York is facing a major housing crisis that won’t be solved by sharing a one-bedroom apartment with four people and three foster cats.
Data for Progress finds 66% of New York City voters believe it’s “very” important to address the city’s housing crisis, including 72% of Democrats and 71% of Independents. Eighty-one percent of Republicans believe it’s "very" or “somewhat” important to solve the housing crisis. Look, the Friends apartment and Carrie Bradshaw’s rent-controlled Upper East Side studio are a fantasy. We promise, addressing housing in NYC is very important.

While “social housing” may sound like the housing option on Greek row, it’s actually a solution to the city’s housing crisis that would include prioritizing permanently affordable housing, giving tenants more agency over housing developments that impact them, and providing housing that's affordable across income levels. Data for Progress finds 81% of New York City voters support social housing, including 89% of Democrats, 69% of Independents, and 63% of Republicans.
Honestly, at this point, the rats have the best living situation in New York City. Let’s solve the housing crisis, so we can at least take shelter when the rats rise up against us.
Read the full brief and polling here.
4/20 came twice this year.
While Joe and Jill probably won’t be spotted getting high at a Dead & Company concert any time soon, the Biden Administration is trying to make it easier for the rest of us to do so. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, a title it shares with the likes of heroin and LSD. Considering it’s easier to find a smoke shop than an affordable apartment in most cities these days, that’s probably something that’s gotta change on the federal level.
Data for Progress finds 61% of voters support reclassifying marijuana as a Schedule III drug. This includes 71% of Democrats, 61% of Independents, and 49% of Republicans. Schedule III drugs have “moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.” Personally, we’re only ever physically or psychologically dependent on marijuana when the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam calls for it.

For the drug that your dad has been smoking since Woodstock, Schedule I is just too high. Voters agree it’s time to bump marijuana down to Schedule III.
Read the full polling here.