John, The Committee to Defeat the President has been hard at work to hold Biden-ally and far-left Congresswoman Cori Bush accountable for paying her own husband out of her political campaign funds. Now, after we called her out for this corrupt campaign finance activity, she is going after our committee’s attorney and demanding that we retract our complaints! This is another example of a corrupt left-wing politician attempting to operate under a two-tiered system of justice and expecting to skirt the law. The Committee to Defeat the President WILL NOT STOP holding Joe Biden, Cori Bush, and other corrupt left-wing politicians accountable, and we need your help to keep the pressure on them and get them out of office. “Cori Bush is competing hard to be The Squad’s most corrupt member, but we think it ought to be a race to hold her accountable — in Washington, D.C. and back home in Missouri. For someone who complains so much about the American system, she sure knows how to exploit it for power and profit, breaking campaign finance laws —and multiple local laws — in the process. Our Committee won’t take the pressure off Bush until accountability becomes the reality her constituents deserve,” CDP Chairman Ted Harvey told the Daily Caller in a statement. If you’ve had enough of politicians like Biden and Bush getting away with activity that would put normal, hard-working Americans like us in jail, help us hold them accountable. Cori Bush’s team is now going after us, and we need your help to fight back! Will you rush $5, $50, $500 or whatever you can to ensure we can win this legal battle against this corrupt politician? Hold Cori Bush Accountable Thanks,  Ted Harvey, Chairman Committee to Defeat the President
The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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