Tonight at midnight is the biggest deadline our campaign has faced yet– the 60-day pre-general reporting deadline

Hey John,

Tonight at midnight is the biggest deadline our campaign has faced yet – the 60-day pre-general reporting deadline. I need your help to ensure we put up strong numbers to show my McConnell-protégé opponent that we have what it takes to win this tough race.

If you're ready to help us protect Kentucky's progress, you can chip in before our midnight deadline here now. →

Otherwise, let me explain where this race stands:

Election experts are predicting this will be the closest race in the entire country this November, and Politico is calling the match-up between me and my opponent "dramatically close."

I'm not surprised, John. I won the race for governor in 2019 by just over 5,000 votes. We always knew this race would be just as close.

That's why I'm also not surprised that my opponent and his allies are spending millions to attack me. They think their deep pockets can buy this race and undo all the progress we've made. We can't let that happen.

I was able to beat the odds and win in 2019 because of grassroots supporters like you. If we're going to do it again, I need you by my side from now until the polls close on Election Day.

So I'm asking, John: Will you please chip in before my reporting deadline at midnight tonight? I can't win this tough race and protect the progress we’ve made in Kentucky without you →

Thank you,



Andy Beshear for Governor
PO Box 4278
Louisville, KY 40204
United States
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