A message to all NumbersUSA Members from CEO James Massa

The Looming Border vs. Budget Battle

Hi John,

Funding for the Federal government lapses at midnight on September 30.

That means Congress has a little over 3 weeks for both Chambers to pass 12 appropriations bills for the President's signature. To date they have passed only one. The alternative is for both Chambers of Congress to pass -- and for the President to sign -- legislation that is called a Continuing Resolution (CR).

Your support of NumbersUSA and activism with your elected officials in May helped pass in the House of Representatives HR 2, the strongest border security bill in decades. The Senate has not yet taken up this bill, and may not without good reason to do so. The power of the purse held by the House of Representatives is good reason!

With the return of the Senate this week, the Congressional fight over how to fund the Federal government for FY 2024 is heating up and HR 2, which was once considered a "messaging bill" passed by the House, is about to be heard loud and clear in the Senate, as some vocal Republicans are looking to make HR 2 a requirement to any continuing resolution that stops a government shutdown. I spoke with key House immigration reform leaders to confirm their intention to dig in and demand HR 2 be passed by the Senate as part of the House's agreement on a continuing resolution. They are committed and they told me they need YOUR HELP.


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The first step is to ensure Immigration and Border Security is THE issue around which all Congresspeople in the House will rally. This includes the Republican majority and those Border Security minded Democrats. The latter would not risk their position within their party when HR 2 was originally passed in the House if the Senate was not going to act (i.e., if it were just a messaging bill). Now that the Senate may have to agree to HR 2 in order to avoid a government shutdown, these Border Security minded Democrats may be willing to now support HR 2.

Tell your Congressperson that "Immigration is the TOP PRIORITY." Act now!

Thank you for your generous support and continued activism,

James Massa

CEO, NumbersUSA
