Staggering figures have revealed that over 1.2million US-born workers lost their jobs last month while the foreign-born workforce increased by nearly 700,000 - as migrants continue to flood across the border under the Biden administration. CLAUDIA AORAHA | DAILYMAIL.COM | 9/4/2023 | Condensed· Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that between July and August, there was a staggering decrease of 1.223million native-born people in the workforce - which is a low not beaten since the jobs crash when Covid hit in April 2020. · In stark contrast almost 688,000 jobs were secured by foreign-born workers, underlining the difference in Joe Biden's pro-migration policies versus Donald Trump's tough border stance. Looking at…summer jumps for foreign workers… Employment has been expanding, rather than contracting [every year]. The increase in foreign-born people working in the US this summer, 668,000, is the highest July-to-August jump in the last 10 years. The only July-to-August period that has come close was during the height of the pandemic in 2020 - 605,000. What the figures suggest is there has been nearly a net-zero increase in native-born jobs created since the Covid economic crash. The job market is only just about reaching the highs seen in October 2019, where employment was 131.72million. Trends also seem to show that under Donald Trump, there were less foreign-born people working in the US month-on-month, the Bureau's data shows. Comparing figures from the first three years of each of their tenures, the Republican president's foreign-born workforce expanded by 752,000 between August 2017 to 2019. By contrast, Democrat Biden's figure from August 2021 to 2023 was 3.943million (Over 5 Times Trump’s numbers). Recap of foreign workforce expansion in three-year period:Trump: + 752,000Biden: + 3,943,000During Trump's presidency, between July and August of 2017, foreign-born employment rose by just 82,000. The 668,000 foreign workforce figure in 2023 is a staggering eight times more - set on the backdrop of the Biden administration's control of the movement across the US-Mexico border since the end of pandemic-era Title 42 in May. IMPORTANT FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOWBiden’s Migrants are automatically granted temporary legal status, are handed a work visa, a bank account, welfare assistance, and travel expenses paid to the destination of their choice. These foreign workers will be in our system for as long as 4-10 years waiting for a court appearance, and meanwhile start families, have anchor babies, and make plans for family chain migration, despite over 90% entering on bogus asylum claims. Note: 1/3 of all ICE arrests have criminal backgrounds and MANY of the illegals arriving from one of 150 nations come from countries where criminal records are inaccessible like ISIS trafficked countries of Syria, Uzbekistan, and more. This year alone, Biden has admitted 2,556,286 from October to July.That means 1,868,286 did not gain employment and are surviving solely on taxpayer subsidies that are nearly double the value of what average unskilled labor households earn each month. Out of Biden’s 8 million illegals granted work visa’s, 51% or 4,057,000, are completely dependent on taxpayer subsidies and the rest have devoured desperately needed US jobs! The Black and Hispanic native-born citizens are suffering the greatest job losses and unfair job competition with limited unskilled work available to them! Biden’s illegal migrants are immediately granted access to welfare benefits, with 51% demanding welfare compared to 33% of US citizens. Biden’s open border policy has cost US taxpayers 960 billion dollars! The emergency housing resources and tents popping up in sanctuary cities is only due to the OVERWHELMED NGO’s that can’t keep up with demand in terms of organizing their placement in coordination with city Mayors and local officials. Meanwhile, homeless vets and destitute citizens have no equal access to the benefits Congress has budgeted for ‘asylum’ seekers. Nearly 10 Million Border Actions Taken on the Border!“Tired of the rhetoric, we rise with purpose and act with conviction.”Consider supporting our work. For as little as the price of a monthly $5 cup a coffee, you can help us stop this radical Marxist march into oblivion! It takes a lot of manpower to produce change that’s needed. Thank you for your support and participation! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |