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Friday, September 8th, 2023


2024 Election

Doug Casey

Say’s Law Says It All

Alasdair Macleod

Biden Cares More About Ukraine Than He Does the United States

Chuck Baldwin

Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?

Philip Giraldi

US Nursing Home Data Shows Clearly That the Covid Vaccines Were a Disaster for the Elderly

Steve Kirsch

Booming Business for Worsening Mental Health

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Covid-19 Vaccine Applied at the Level of the Entire Planet

Michel Chossudovsky

Serial Sickness

Eric Peters

We’re Living in a Neofeudal Bubble

Charles Hugh Smith

University Degrees Produce Nonemployable Results

Helena Glass

If Everyone Understood That the US Deliberately Provoked This War

Caitlin Johnstone

This Is How Bad Things Have Become in America…

Michael Snyder

Political Theatre

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