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Hi Friend,
NEW POLL: National/ACT could form government
comfortably 📊💥
This month's Taxpayers’ Union – Curia Poll sees
National and ACT being able to form a Government by a more comfortable
margin than last month. Labour continues to languish at a record low
while New Zealand First fail to reach the threshold to enter
Parliament in this poll.
Here are the headline results:

Both National and Labour are unchanged on last month at 35%
and 27%, respectively. ACT is up 1 point to 14% and the
Greens are also up to 1 point to 13%.
The smaller parties are NZ First on 3.9% (-1.9 points), the
Māori Party on 2.9% (+0.4 points), TOP on 2.7% (+1.7 points), New
Conservatives on 0.8% (+0.2 points), Vision NZ on 0.5% (-0.6 points),
and the Outdoors & Freedom on 0.2%. (-0.3 points).
Here is how these results would translate to seats in the

National and Labour are both up 1 seat on last month to 45
and 35 seats respectively. ACT is up 2 seats to 19 while the Greens
pick up 2 seats for a total of 17. The Māori Party is up 1 seat on
last month to 4. NZ First would win no seats in Parliament (-7
National goes with an underwhelming tax plan
Last election National ran on a policy to recalibrate
the income tax system to account for inflation since John Key was
Prime Minister. No such luck this time – despite Mr Luxon's repeated
comments that the Government has wasted money, the tax relief being
offered, only account for inflation (fiscal drag) back to 2021!
First the good. They committed to:
Scrapping App Tax. Labour slapped GST on all
digital purchases even if the supplier is under the $60,000 threshold,
pushing up the prices of Uber and Airbnb
Pausing Chris Hipkins' proposed fuel taxes hikes
over the next three years
Dumping the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax – it hasn't
even been used for the road infrastructure which had been
Giving some of the money raised through the Emissions
Trading Scheme carbon credit auctions back to New Zealanders in the
form of a carbon dividend by reducing corporate welfare – but
it still wants to keep the political slush fund (just make it
Dropping Labour’s GST carve out for fruit and
vegetable that would increase the profits of supermarkets
Restoring interest deductibility on mortgage payments for
Reducing the bright-line test back to two years –
this is just a capital gains tax with another name. Rather than tinker
with tax, the National Party should have scrapped it entirely and
committed to actually fixing the regulatory taxes that continue to
cause the lack of supply and unaffordable housing.
The party says its tax proposals will deliver up
to $250 more per fortnight for an average-income family with
children. It seeks to do this in two ways:
First, by expanding tax credits, introducing a new childcare tax
credit, and increasing Working for Families tax credits. This is a
more targeted measure of getting financial support to those on lower
incomes compared with other policies such as removing GST of fruit and
vegetables; and
Secondly, by adjusting tax brackets for the last two years of

A Labour-lite tax policy?
While the headlines would mislead you, National has
watered down its previous pledges to adjust tax brackets to account
for inflation since Labour took office in 2017. Never mind since when
the brackets were last set back in 2010!
Only adjusting tax brackets for the last two years means
that those middle earners not benefiting from their expanded tax
credits will still be paying much higher tax on average than they
would have been had brackets kept pace with inflation.
The party also committed to review tax brackets every
three years, but even that is a backdown from their earlier commitment
to indexation.
We say
tax brackets should be adjusted for inflation automatically every
year, not just when the Finance Minister feels like
A policy that basically states 'we'll look at tax relief
just prior to each election' is really no different to the status
... and National even want to introduce new taxes!
Despite Christopher Luxon having highlighted the
shocking 68 per cent increase in Government spending since 2017 and
calling out the Government for its excessive spending on consultants
and contractors and other wasteful spending, the savings they have
found are tiny.
The party has even had to pledge to introduce new
revenue-raising mechanisms to fund its plans, including:
A new tax on foreigners wanting to buy a home in New
Zealand. While Christopher Luxon says New Zealand needs
foreign direct investment and become more like Ireland, he wants to
welcome them with a new tax!
Removing commercial building depreciation. This is
literally a Labour policy (to fund their own proposed GST fruit and
vege carveout) which will make it less attractive to improve and
develop buildings
Hiking the charges to the
new immigrants that the National Party says
they want to attract (in fairness, it is user-pays).
For those wanting to see something more than a
"Labour-lite" economic vision to New Zealand "back on track", this is
far from encouraging...
can read National's tax plan here.
An aspirational target for long-term
prosperity 📈💰
ACT announced its productivity policy this week
with a bold target for New Zealand to be in the top 10 fastest growing
economies in the OECD.
Under all of the Helen Clark, John Key/Bill
English, and Jacinda Ardern/Chris Hipkins governments, New Zealand has
continued to become less prosperous and productive than
Productivity is arguably the most important
factor for our long-term prosperity. It is the ultimate driver of
higher wages.
ACT's policy would explicitly require the
Government to view policy decisions through a productivity lens. They
say that it is only with higher incomes and more wealth can New
Zealand afford to pay for high-quality public services. ACT reinforced
its commitment to meaningful cuts to taxes and (unlike Mr
Luxon) wasteful spending.
Learning lessons from the Celtic
Our friends at the New Zealand
Initiative think tank recently led a business delegation
to Ireland where they learnt about that country's
spectacular success in improving productivity, growing the economy
(thanks, in particular to the country’s openness to foreign direct
investment) and rocketing up the OECD economic and living standards
league tables.
Ireland’s policies saw their per person income grow
from 22% lower than New Zealand in 1979 to 78% higher today.
The Initiative's report looks at how we could replicate the
success in New Zealand. You can read the report here.
Coming for your digital wallet: Labour looks to
introduce one more tax! 💻🤑
Amidst the whirlwind of the election campaign, you
may have missed the Government’s announcement that they are
introducing yet another new tax – a Digital Service Tax
And it isn't just us warning against a DST, even
the Government’s own advisors at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade warned the
Government that New Zealand exporters could face $90 million in
tariffs if we proceed on our own. When countries such as
the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria, Turkey and India considered
or indeed did implement a DST, the USA responded with tariffs or
threats of tariffs unless the tax was withdrawn.
Another concerning aspect of this tax is that it
applies to sales (i.e. revenue) rather than profit. Large tech
companies such as Uber run at a loss for many years while they are in
the initial stages of growing a company. Taxing them on revenue rather
than profit could see tech companies such as Uber and Netflix pass
these higher costs onto consumers (or even withdraw from New Zealand
Whatever happened to that "no new taxes"
Drilling into Labour’s free taxpayer-funded dental
policy 🆓🦷
From the desperate political bribes file, Labour
have dusted off the old taxpayer-funded dental service.
While the policy sounds appealing on the surface,
free dental is nothing to smile about. Just last month, Chris Hipkins
said that “the system wouldn’t have the capacity to deal with it,
and there would likely be significant investment required just in
order to build capacity to meet the need for additional dental
care” yet now he is willing to drive the Government’s books
further into the red for the sake of buying a few votes!
If you think Chippy can deliver what the old-Chippy
said would be too hard, we have 100,000 Kiwibuild houses to sell
You're humble Taxpayers' Union has a long memory –
Labour appear to have forgotten that back in 2020, the Party promised
to deliver an additional 20 mobile dental clinics, but only five have been ordered so far – and the first one
hasn’t even arrived yet! So let’s not confuse
the promise of more spending with the ability to deliver.
Universal dental is also a costly and unworkable
policy that fails to target support at those who need it most. New
Zealand only trains 60 dentists a year, and Labour's strict
immigration rules make it difficult for more to come in.
It's an F for MFAT: Kiwis Fund Diplomats'
Private School Fees 🎒✈️

Last week, Ollie, our Investigations Co-ordinator,
brought to light that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
has shelled out a staggering $5 million on private schooling for
diplomats' children. What's particularly eye-opening are the amounts
spent in countries such as the USA ($817,410.14), Australia
($74,776.98), and the UK ($158,006.02) – nations whose
education systems are on par with, if not superior to, New
Given the diplomats handsome compensation packages, one
can't help but wonder: shouldn't well-compensated diplomats in some of
the globe's most developed regions be covering their children’s
education expenses?
We say the expenditure comes as a slap in the face to
the Kiwi households grappling with financial challenges. You can
listen to Ollie on Radio
NZ's Morning Report here, or on Newstalk
ZB's Mike Hosking show here.
Don't like predictable and boring political debates?
We've got you covered! 📺🗣️

The Taxpayers' Union debate series hosted by
The Working Group is in full swing. We held our party debate
in Auckland on Tuesday evening that saw Willie Jackson, Paul
Goldsmith, David Seymour, Ricardo Menéndez March, John Tamihere,
and Jenny Marcroft battle it out over the economy, crime, the Treaty
and the environment.
Kudos to those politicians – in particular Willie
Jackson, whom we often spar with – for fronting up and getting stuck
into what was the fieriest debate of the election so far. It was great
fun although some were perhaps enjoying themselves a bit
too much... Willie Jackson got a little too
carried away by initially claiming that National and ACT would abolish
the minimum wage and the Prime Minister was forced to clarify his
you weren't able to watch it live, you can catch up on the action
On Tuesday, we head to Kerikeri for our Northland
electorate debate. The
details to buy tickets are here.
From gamekeeper to poacher? Casey Costello on
why she has left the Taxpayers’ Union board to stand for

Casey Costello has been on
our board since 2019 (including 8 months as our Acting Chair) but
recently stepped down to become a candidate for New Zealand First (the
Taxpayers’ Union is, of course, non-partisan and not affiliated to any
Jordan asked Casey to join
the podcast to discuss her work fighting for her political passions:
accountability in government, and equality of civil rights. They also
cover what drives Casey, and why she chose NZ First over ACT or
National. You
can listen to Casey’s exit interview here.
Casey has been a long-time
financial supporter of the Union, volunteered many hundreds of hours
as a board member, and we thank her for her commitment to the
One more thing 👀
You might have noticed a whole lot of lobby groups and special
interests trying to influence the election. Unlike many, the
Taxpayers' Union is 100% funded by our supporters and does not take
Government/taxpayer funding. To fuel our work, click
here to make a confidential donation.

Thank you for your support.
Yours aye,
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.
Offsetting Behaviour Transport
Bay of Plenty Times Council
debt worries union Tolley refutes figures in report showing only
Auckland has a higher net debt
Hawke's Bay Today
2023: Mark Hutchinson decides he will attend Taxpayers’
Union-organised debate
Stuff Here's
how your home could be taxed even if you're not an
Hawke's Bay Today Election
2023 Napier: Poll suggests National’s Katie Nimon has early lead
Daily Blog Taxpayers’
Union Napier Election debate hosted by The Working Group NOW WITH
Hawke's Bay
App National's
Katie Nimon leading in race for Napier Seat, according to new
Newstalk ZB The
Huddle: How low can Labour go before October?
Post Public
Service Watch: Rates dissatisfaction a growing
Stuff National
leads polling in bellwether Napier, but 23 per cent of voters
undecided Cyclone
& flood damaged homes exempt from bright-line test in voluntary
Newstalk ZB The
Huddle: Does David Seymour need to apologise? (00:38)
spends $5 million on sending diplomat's children to private
NewstalkZB Oliver
Bryan: Taxpayers' Union reveals $5m of taxpayer dollars spent on
private schooling for diplomats' children
The Platform Taxpayers
Union's Connor Molloy on extravagant public service -"Culture of
NZ revises capital plan, pays first dividend since
Waikato Times Thames
joins Innovating Streets project flops
Press Cantabrians
to be asked for stadium funding, may face levy on
Chris Lynch Bill
lowering voting age to 16 triggers alarm for Taxpayers' Union
ZB Midday
Edition: 29 August 2023
The Daily Blog Taxpayers’
Union Ilam Election debate hosted by The Working Group
BusinessDesk Ilam
poll shows Raf Manji and TOP victory 'possible' but
NZ Herald Election
2023: National way ahead in Ilam, denting TOP’s chances of entering
Parliament A
Taxpayers’ Union – Curia poll shows The Opportunities Party leader Raf
Manji trailing behind National in the Ilam
Newshub The
Opportunities Party polling third in Christchurch's Ilam, cutting off
path to Parliament
RNZ Christchurch's
Ilam electorate swings back to National, according to latest
Newstalk ZB The
Huddle: What can we expect from National's tax
The Press Ilam's
candidates struggle to cut through with voters Reaction
pours in to the National Party tax plan, much of it critical but some
of it in support
Newshub National's
tax policy unveiled: The key points as other parties go on
Panel with Julie Woods and Nick Leggett (Part 2) – Voting
The Press When
mention of a crisis is booed, we have a
taks out full page attack ad on National in NZ
Otago Daily Times Nats
call out Labour over 'most negative' campaign
Daily Times Hipkins
says National 'thin-skinned' over attack
Newshub Election
2023: Chris Hipkins calls National 'thin-skinned' for getting offended
by union ads, shows examples of attacks on him
Spinoff Is
the CTU running psyops for the
NationalParty? National
accuses rival Labour of mean spirited attacks over union billboard
showing a scowling picture of Christopher
Panel with Moata Tamaira and Mark Knoff-Thomas (Part 1) –
RNZ National
cries foul over new union attack ad against Chris
Newstalk ZB 'They
wouldn't be alone': Finance Minister defends CTU attack ad targeting
RNZ National
decries CTU attack ads targeting Christopher
Newstalk ZB The
Front Bench: Attack ads already being published- could this be the
most negative campaign yet?
NZ Herald Chris
Hipkins plays down unions advert attacking Christopher Luxon, labels
National ‘thin-skinned’
The Daily Blog Taxpayers’
Union Party Election debate hosted by The Working
NZ Herald Election
2023: Co-governance, Treaty, Māori health, crime and cost of living
topics for tonight’s debate
Waatea News CTU
attack ads get under National skin
Herald Election
2023: Audrey Young - Christopher Luxon attack advertisement a timely
distraction for National
NZ Herald Election
2023: Council of Trade Unions locks building and calls police after
anti-Luxon ad generates ‘concerning’ flak
Herald Taxpayers'
Union debate
Newstalk ZB Jordan
Williams: Taxpayers' Union executive director supports the creation of
an Independent Costings
Newshub Election
2023: Willie Jackson, David Seymour trade barbs over justice
Gisborne Herald Election
campaign piquing interest
NBR Aviation
sector calls out for collaboration on
Newshub Election
2023: Willie Jackson clarifies claim ACT, Nats would lower minimum
wage made during boisterous election
Newsroom Loudest
voices compete with the Chardonnay
Pacific News
Network News
06 September 2023 – Taxpayers' Union Debate
Waatea News Vaughan
Winiata / Social Provocatuer – Taxpayers' Union
Waatea News Willie
Jackson | Minister of Maori Development – Taxpayers' Union
Newshub Election
2023: Labour's Chris Hipkins says Willie Jackson made incorrect claim
about National, ACT 'in heat of
1News Hipkins
defends MP's 'incorrect' minimum wage
BusinessDesk QLDC
awards CEO with 8% salary boost, while rates
Waatea News Seymour’s
treaty act would overturn law
RNZ Hipkins
to have a word with MPs after incorrect statements about
Waatea News 6th
Sept 2023 English News Bulletin 3:30pm – Taxpayers' Union
Newstalk ZB Willie
Jackson: Labour Minister maintains he's not deliberately disseminating
misinformation after last night's debate
News Network News
06 September 2023 – Taxpayers' Union Debate 2
Karere TVNZ Willie
Jackson addresses “most dangerous man in NZ”
Newsroom Reserve
Bank chair’s ‘totally inappropriate’ work with National
Offsetting Behaviour Debating
CarbonNews Mixed
reactions to Nats EV charger proposal
ZB Beehive
Buzz: Election 2023, attack ads and Trade Dispute with
The Spinoff Everyone
running in Ilam needs to win