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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 27 February


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


School trust's sex education policy "explicitly homophobic"

A sex education policy which appeared on an academy trust's website has been criticised as "explicitly homophobic".

BBC News


Nonreligious people 'less likely' to be satisfied with their health - NSS quoted

The Office for National Statistics has published data linking religion and health in a bid "to understand the circumstances of people of different religious identities". The NSS has cautioned against oversimplifying "a much more complex and nuanced picture".

The Telegraph (£)


State school segregation ‘rife’ as middle classes play system

A report from the Sutton Trust has considered 'simplifying' faith school admissions in order to tackle socio-economic segregation.

The Times (£)


DUP calls for 'extra protection' for Christians who do not want to be involved in gay weddings

The DUP has declared current plans for protecting people from being coerced into participating in gay weddings "do not go far enough".

News Letter


Priest who compared LGBT-inclusive education to Nazism invited to speak in UK parliament

An anti-abortion Anglican priest who said LGBT-inclusive education is "state-sponsored abuse" and comparable to Nazism has been invited to speak in UK parliament.

Pink News


Nine countries seek to ban gay 'conversion therapy'

From electric shocks to 'praying away the gay', global momentum is growing to ban so-called "conversion therapy", with bills drawn up in nine countries, a rights group said on Wednesday.



Delhi riots: City tense after Hindu-Muslim clashes leave 27 dead

Delhi remains on edge after three nights of rioting, with reports of Muslim homes and shops being targeted by violent mobs.

BBC News


Survey finds a fifth of Europeans think secret Jewish cabal runs the world

Fifth of the 16,000 respondents to poll revealed by Action and Protection League think 'Jews exploit Holocaust victim-hood for their own needs'

Jewish News


'Blasphemy still a potent tool for Pakistan's hushed hardliners'

The communities most at threat from abuses of the blasphemy law are religious minorities, including the Ahmadi sect whose belief in a prophet after Mohammed is viewed as heresy by most mainstream Muslims in Pakistan.

Mail Online


Latest from the NSS


NSS urges council not to replace community school with faith school

The National Secular Society has warned Surrey County Council that its plan to turn a community school into a faith school would disadvantage non-Anglican families.


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