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The Office for National Statistics has published data linking religion and health in a bid "to understand the circumstances of people of different religious identities". The NSS has cautioned against oversimplifying "a much more complex and nuanced picture".
An anti-abortion Anglican priest who said LGBT-inclusive education is "state-sponsored abuse" and comparable to Nazism has been invited to speak in UK parliament.
From electric shocks to 'praying away the gay', global momentum is growing to ban so-called "conversion therapy", with bills drawn up in nine countries, a rights group said on Wednesday.
The communities most at threat from abuses of the blasphemy law are religious minorities, including the Ahmadi sect whose belief in a prophet after Mohammed is viewed as heresy by most mainstream Muslims in Pakistan.
The National Secular Society has warned Surrey County Council that its plan to turn a community school into a faith school would disadvantage non-Anglican families.
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