
We have a problem as we enter our final 6 days of the campaign and I need your help to solve it!

The latest polls show we have a small lead with a lot of undecided voters and to WIN we absolutely must turnout our votes using our door-to-door canvass program.

We have 62 college students hired for this crucial program, but to cover the number of neighborhoods in my district we need to hire at least 85 more. $35 covers them for 2 hours - $125 for a day.

Can you contribute to sponsor just one of our college students to work my campaign?

We absolutely MUST turn out our voters like never before to ensure we WIN this seat! More importantly, this aggressive door-to-door canvass program is not only about winning my seat, but providing a MODEL for how Republicans can win across the state in competitive seats.

Please do whatever you can TODAY! We need to know how much funding we have so we can hire the students ASAP.

Carl DeMaio

PS: Please forward this email on to others who may want to help fund this aggressive campaign model of grassroots voter contact that I believe will be needed to take back California! Even $5 helps! Here's the secure contribution link.