John — we’re emailing to ask you for $4.

Why? Because that’s the number of seats Democrats need to pick up to take back the Senate majority this year.

Vulnerable Republicans like Susan Collins, Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, and yes, Thom Tillis are in major trouble — giving Democrats a unique opportunity to win big, but only if we fight for it.

North Carolina is one of our best chances to pick up a seat and flip the Senate in November. Pitch in $4 (or more!) to help Democrats take back control in Washington:


Top election forecasters have rated our race for Senate a “toss-up” and the polls show Cal beating our GOP opponent — leaving Washington Republicans running scared.

That’s why Donald Trump keeps coming back here, and why Tillis is begging for his help.

There’s a real opening in this race, and Republicans are pulling out all the stops to close it. So, we’re turning to you for help:

Join our campaign to flip North Carolina blue and bring Democrats closer to taking back the Senate by chipping in $4 (or more!) right now >>


Thanks for everything.

— Take Back North Carolina