![]() Patriot, Have you seen today’s headlines? As usual, they offer a bleak image of America’s future: >>> Federal budget deficit
expected to nearly double to $2 trillion, government watchdog says (as Senate Republicans are expected to cave to Democrats on a spending deal); >>> Department of Justice seeks 120-day prison term for journalist who never entered Capitol, citing his speaking out about the stolen elections; >>> Schools across America bring back Covid masks in classrooms in call back to dark days of pandemic; >>> And the list goes on and on… Campaign for Liberty has taken on many legislative battles over the past 15 years. Right now, our economic and personal liberties are
under greater threat than ever before. But you and I can only take on so many fights. I want to know: What are your highest priorities for defending freedom during this frenzied session? We need to decide right now which legislative battles are most urgent and where we need to mobilize our resources. We want YOUR feedback to inform these decisions. Because everything is potentially coming down the pike, from the Central Bank Digital Currency and a renewal of the Feds’ unconstitutional mass surveillance scheme to a colossal budget that continues to ship BILLIONS of our tax dollars to the military-industrial complex for war in Ukraine. Should Campaign for Liberty focus on: • Reining in the skyrocketing
budget, and holding Republicans accountable for their promises to defund the Biden administration’s welfare-warfare state only to
immediately return to business-as-usual? • Stopping the secretive Federal Reserve, and demanding Congress prevent the imposition of a Central Bank Digital Currency and instead audit the Fed? • Shutting down the authoritarian Covid tyrants, and demanding our leaders never again repeat the mistakes that maximized the devastation of the pandemic and restore our constitutional freedom for good? • Unmasking the corrupt Justice Department, and holding it accountable for the war on the First Amendment they are carrying out to chill free speech and manipulate the upcoming elections? • Dismantling the nefarious military-industrial complex, and stopping more American taxpayer dollars flowing into the hopeless war in Ukraine? • Exposing the out-of-control surveillance state, and blocking the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which has been illegally abused to spy on millions of law-abiding Americans without due process? What do you think? Should we keep up our efforts to prevent a Central Bank Digital Currency, by stopping the “Digital ID” scheme that is a necessary building block for the globalist scheme? Should we pull out all the stops to prevent the globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty? Or is there something else on your mind? Deciding what’s the most dangerous among all of these threats is not easy. We want to hear from you! Don’t wait – please complete your Campaign for Liberty Official Supporter Survey today! And if you can, after you’ve completed your survey, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty so we can put more resources into these efforts. Especially if you think we need to fight all of these battles, please make a contribution to support our efforts – because we can’t do it alone, and we must stop these last-ditch efforts to deprive us of our essential freedom. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. I want to hear from you! Please be sure to return your official Campaign for Liberty 2023 Supporter Survey right away! P.P.S. Remember, we can only take on so many battles, but the more support, the more we can do. Please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |