The Zenith scandal heats up

Activists in boats block a ship from exporting crude oil for Zenith Energy

Yesterday, Portlanders packed City Hall to give eviscerating testimony against the City’s backroom dealings with Zenith Energy. This only days after a protest on Sunday, in which activists effectively blocked a ship from exporting crude oil for the Houston-based oil company.

Portlanders are outraged after two recent investigative stories dropped about city officials’ cozy relationship with Zenith executives.

Community members gathered yesterday at a City Council meeting to confront councilors about their behavior in making a secret deal with Zenith. They highlighted the exclusion of public input in a critical decision that significantly affects public safety and the environment. Residents also pointed to recent evidence that council members attempted to hide the nature and extent of their coordination with industry lobbyists. 

Portlanders are demanding that the City rescind Zenith’s permit and deny permission for future oil storage and transport operations. Advocates have already called on the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to deny Zenith’s air permit.

As concerned citizens exhaust all available communication channels, the City continues to ignore the voices of the constituents they are supposed to serve. In the face of climate catastrophe, we cannot sit back as our leaders collude with the fossil fuel industry. Please consider making a donation to help Breach keep up this fight!

In solidarity,

The Breach Team
