A very quick note. Read it, then take action!
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A very quick but important note ahead of a busy September.

First: don't miss this interview conducted by Donald Trump Jr. We got into some real detail. I don't do "talking points", as you know. And I don't waste people's time. Check it out here.

Secondly, if you're not yet a Pulse+ subscriber, I need you to do it asap. The corporate media is bearing down on us. X (formerly Twitter) is back to censoring conservatives. So you're our only hope of providing real news to a wider audience. Join here, now.

Last Reminder: GET THE APP. It circumvents having to find our stuff via social media, or other censorious platforms! It's free. We literally made it for you for free.

That's it! See, no time wasting. Now watch the interview!

Raheem Kassam



P.S. I'm running the Tunnel 2 Towers 5K in Manhattan raising money for veterans and their families, as well as those who were impacted by 9/11, and the survivors' families. I've set a $40,000 fundraising target, and we're almost there. If you can even spare $5.00, please come and give, because it's an excellent, A-rated charity that I've supported for years. I must've raised over $60,000 for them over the past few years and I couldn't be happier with what the efforts have achieved. Cheers.



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